
Quickjuice is a start up that sought to fulfill a dream, to bring to the market an appliance capable of making quality juices from capsules. In this regard, Marc Martinez Creative Solutions participated in the design of the product, based on engineering pending validation. Regarding this, a product design was managed that was prototyped, based on said engineering, which could not be validated, both due to its capsule and its functionality.

In this regard, they collaborated in a search for an engineering that would allow this objective to be achieved, something that was achieved, but the start up tried to appropriate said engineering, being unable to reach an agreement on the matter.

In this project, a blank paper was started, where a product was designed, based on an unvalidated engineering, and an operational prototype was made, including its electronic design. In addition, both the product and the corporate identity were given a personality aimed at a target specified by the company.

ServiciosDiseño Producto / Reconocimiento Marca / Ingeniería
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